Don't Just Plant. Protect.
So, just to get the picture right: you're looking to scale your business using print-based marketing? But wait, does the common approach of planting trees to offset carbon emissions take too long?
Thankfully there's something you can do that has a positive impact right now...
On this page we share:
1. The disappointing truth about planting trees alone: what do the stats tell us, rather than mass media or propaganda
2. The more impactful approach to reducing carbon: protecting and preserving.
3. Your most sustainable solution for print based marketing: carbon balancing with the World Land Trust.

The Truth About Planting Trees
In the battle against climate change, the focus on tree-planting initiatives has gained significant attention worldwide.
While planting trees is undoubtedly beneficial for the environment, according to the World Land Trust, it takes about 20 years before a new tree will mature enough to begin sequestering carbon.
That's 20 years before planting trees will have a truly positive impact! Take a look at the graph below, which shows the comparison between what we provide versus the standard planting trees alone approach.

Though it's not our recommended primary strategy, there's still so much to explore and so much good that comes from planting trees.
Propaganda has told us that our European forests are shrinking. Nothing could be further from the truth! Here's the reality:
"Between 2005 and 2020, European forests grew by 58,390 square kilometres – that's an area bigger than Switzerland and amounts to over 1,500 football pitches every day!" FAO data, 2005-2020
Another misconception is that planted forests are bad for the environment. What??!! Here are the facts:
"Forests cover 40% of the European territory and are growing in both area and volume. Currently, the total volume is approximately 28 billion m3, which is growing by around 612 million m3 every year." Two Sides
As you can see then, in Europe we are doing a great job of planting trees. Further, they do have a real positive impact on our environment.
However, the significant detail of how long they typically take to have an impact is too often hidden.
If you’d like to delve deeper here, our Myths & Facts page is for you.
Protecting and Preserving
Ok, the juicy bit: protecting and preserving. As you can see from the quote above - protecting what we have must be a priority. But why?
"Trees are the ultimate carbon capture and storage machines. Like great carbon sinks, woods and forests absorb atmospheric carbon and lock it up for centuries. They do this through photosynthesis." World Land Trust

As newly planted trees take 20+ years on average to act as 'carbon capture storage machines', it's imperative to protect what we already have. Devastatingly, outside of Europe, deforestation is a mammoth problem:
Since 1990, it is estimated that some 420 million hectares of forest have been lost—an area 17x greater than the United Kingdom." World Land Trust
So what can be done?
We must protect carbon-rich habitats. Simple as that. These same habitats are home to hundreds of threatened species, meaning the benefits of choosing to protect exceed far beyond carbon offsetting alone.
Carbon Balancing with the World Land Trust

By this point you might wonder what The World Land Trust (WLT) means, or better to say what it is.
World Land Trust, protects and restores threatened habitats across the planet.
Through their innovative Carbon Balanced Programme, they work hand in hand with businesses to offset their carbon emissions and safeguard biodiversity-rich areas.
Meaning that all the goals set above (to protect and restore habitats) can be achieved by using a Carbon Balanced printer.
Now, the environmental impact of your marketing materials is offset through the protection and restoration of endangered woodland and habitats
Therefore, the more you print, the more direct mail, leaflet distributions, or pick-and-pack jobs you do with us, the more you protect and preserve our precious climate. Simple!
To learn more about the WLT, read our blog: Partnering With the World Land Trust
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